The Unwritten Rules Of Motorcycling

Sep. 30 2019 Miscellaneous By ___

Learning to ride a motorcycle means learning how your bike works, how to ride it safely and how to take care of it. But there are many other things to learn outside of this! Motorcyclists have a sort of code that they follow, and if you want to part of the party, you’ll need to learn some of the social niceties and unstated rules to be respected and appreciated by your fellow riders.

Holzhauer Pro Motorsports is your Illinois motorcycle dealer, and we’ve taken it upon ourselves to explain some of the riding rules that you won’t learn from a class or a club. Following these rules will help you fully immerse yourself in the motorcycling community and make your riding more enjoyable.

Respect Others’ Bikes

You wouldn’t want someone touching your motorcycle or sitting astride it without your express permission, so don’t do this with anyone else’s bike. No one would ever do this with a car, but sometimes people think it’s okay to do it with a motorcycle, and it really isn’t. 

Even if you’re interested in a friend’s model and want to try it out, it’s never acceptable to touch or ask to ride someone else’s bike. If they wish to give you permission to examine or ride their bike, then they’ll let you know, but otherwise, keep your hands to yourself.

Be Cautious About “Right of Way”

While you may think that whoever stops first has the right of way, this isn’t always followed to the letter. Even if you have the legal right of way, you don’t want to assume that other motorists are paying attention and aware of this. Be mindful of other riders and drivers at stop signs and traffic lights and only go if the coast seems clear.

Watch For Helmet Taps

If you see another rider approaching you from the opposite direction and they give their helmet a tap, take it as a helpful tip. This tap means that there’s a police officer up ahead in your direction, and the other rider wants to let you know in case you’re going a few miles above the speed limit so you can slow down and not get a ticket. Perform the same courtesy for your fellow motorcyclists if you see a speed trap!

Don’t Join Groups Without an Invite

Yes, you’ll undoubtedly come across other groups of motorcyclists riding together, but just because you’re all on the same type of vehicle doesn’t mean you should join them without asking. This is extremely rude, akin to sitting yourself down at a stranger’s restaurant table and butting into their conversation. It’s also dangerous, since groups of riders have already coordinated their riding formation well in advance, and another bike trying to cram into it will mess everything up and possibly cause an accident or throw the group out of alignment.

Ride Smart, Ride Sober

Just as you don’t drive your car while compromised, you don’t want to ride your bike if you’re not fit to do so. This means always riding sober: don’t drink alcohol or use recreational drugs before you get on your bike. You may be on prescription medications that preclude the operation of heavy machinery; make sure you’ve talked this over with your physician before you try to ride while you’re on the medication. Likewise, you don’t want to ride while you’re emotional. If you’re angry or upset, this will impact your focus and create issues for you. Calm yourself down before you get on your bike.

Aside from this, be vigilant and be respectful of your fellow riders. Give them plenty of space and wave to them as you pass them. It’s only polite!

We hope this helps you to engage more with your fellow bikers! Searching for motorcycles for sale near St. Louis, Missouri? Stop by our dealership in Nashville, Illinois, today to check out our full stock of new and used motorcycles for sale. Holzhauer Pro Motorsports welcomes all our Illinois customers, including those in the city of Carbondale.